kooperieren. Die Presse ist voll davon. Was ich davon halten soll, keine Ahnung. Ich sage mal lieber nix dazu… Aber das folgende Bild von www.tagesschau.de fand ich doch schoen :-)
Schlagwort: Computer
I didn’t blog for a long time in english, but now I have to… First of all thanks to kero and einfachsilvia for the great dinner! But now to the headline…
Everybody who knows me, knows as well, that I am not a big series fan. Sometimes I watch from this or that an episode, but I don’t follow any regulary. Tonight kero pointed me to The IT-Crowd. It has simply six episodes yet, but I watched them all after another and was laughing so much… It is good to know the definition of Nerd in order to understand it, and if you get any chance to get the episodes somewhere on the net, give it a try!
@Roy, your phone answering will be on my answering machine in a second…
meine meinung zu perl schreibe ich morgen wenn ich mich wieder beruhigt habe, sonst …
ich fang lieber gar nicht erst an!
Traffic accounting via iptables
I just wrote a bash-skript, in my eyes easy-understandable for everyone, to monitor the incoming and outgoing traffic for a bunch of ips, using iptables… up to know the data is stored in a textfile or a mysql-db, or both… Still missing the php frontend for evaluation, but as soon as it comes it will be published here… :-)