Dealing with Images

I worked a bit with image files the last time. First I gotta say, that K3B really rocks. Burning ISO-Files no problem ever! Then I found fuseiso at the web. Together with kfuseiso it is something I don’t want to miss anymore on my system. Mounting ISO-Files via clickiclicki is nice :-)

Today I got a *.daa file and I was not able to burn or to mount it. Thanks to poweriso (in portage available as well, needs to be unmasked from ~x86) it is really simple to convert daa files to iso i.e.:

poweriso convert file.daa -o file.iso -ot iso

To be continued…


CD Image Conversion is a good place. IAT seems to bee good. MagicISO works as well using CrossOverOffice and conversion to bin/cue and later via vcdgear -bin2mpg does a good job.


I have a 5.1 USB Headset what works pretty cool. Everything nice, out of the box, speaker, microphone, really good! If I specify now ANY udev rule, i.e. for my cellphone at /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules

BUS==“usb“, SYSFS{idVendor}=“0fce“, SYSFS{idProduct}=“d016″, NAME=“handy“, MODE=“0777″

It is not recognized anymore!! Is that strange or is that strange! It doesn’t matter what rule I specify, any! Hmm…

Kurz und schmerzlos

  1. Zurueck aus Frankreich, war schoen, Bilder kommen gerade fuer die Gallery. Wenn die da sind gibts nen vernuenftigen Post dazu.
  2. Auf WordPress 2.2 upgedated, keine weiteren Probleme.
  3. Mein einer Rechner suckt total, ich glaub da is die CPU in Arsch, wer noch ne Sockel A CPU rumfliegen hat bitte mal melden..
  4. Mein Bad wird renoviert, danke an alle die mir bereits moeglichkeiten zum Duschen etc. angeboten haben!
  5. Ich hasse Erkaeltungen!
  6. Heute: Tag 1
  7. und wech