Speedport W701V

OK Ladies, I’ve got a Speedport W701V. I looks almost the same like the Speedport W700V I had a few days ago, but under the hood it is completly different. The Speedport W700V is a bunch of crap, and the W701V an AVM OEM product.

Yesterday night I googled and read and read and tried, and thanks to the great work of Spirou I was able to flash the Speedport with the AVM branding. With that I am able to use many functions that are available but hidden because of the T-COM branding. I.e. I can tell the DSL Router, that it should not act as a router, but use an existing internet connection already. That enables me to connect my phone to the speedport and set up the sipgate client and… voila :-D


I’ll put the switch away now, as the Speedport has one integrated, ah, and WLAN is available now as well (though i have no device to use it with ATM). Cool :-D

If I had a lot of money

I think I would be an owner of an iPhone really soon! I just looked at the guided tour video and it is really awsome from its features! The only problem IMHO is the price. And it becomes usefull first, if you use a Mac at home, if you use iTunes and so on. Quite awsome but I don’t have the money…

But what I have, is a fast internet connection ;-) I downloaded the guided tour video from the Apple homepage, and take a look at the speed. Pretty nice :-)


(beryl screenshot function rocks!)

Speedport 500V + TDSL 6000

Tja, das hat ein bisschen gedauert, aber hoffen wir mal, das unser Hausmeister nun auch wieder Internet zuhause hat. Nach der Umstellung von TDSL-2000 auf TDSL-6000 ging sein Internet nicht mehr. Ellenlange Servicedamen in der Warteschlange am Telefon und nach ein bisschen meckern ein Techniker vor Ort haben dann Klarheit in die Sache gebracht.

Einerseits war seitens der Telekom wohl ein Fehler unterlaufen, andererseits funktioniert der Speedport 500V mit aelterer Firmware nicht mit TDSL-6000. Gerade hab ich darauf ein Update von 0.9 auf 1.35 gemacht… Das ging ja mal supereinfach und sehr schnell und echt fuer Doofe. Gruesse an die Usability -Abteilung: Gut gemacht :-)

Hoffen wir mal, dass unser Hausmeister nun wieder Internet hat :-)

P.S. Hab ich erwaehnt, dass die Decke von meiner Terrasse, wo die Farbe so ekelig runterblaettert neu gestrichen wird?? 8-)


Some time ago I went home picking some stuff up, doing some computer things. During that time I figured out, that I am not interested anymore in looking after all that computerprobs there. The infrastructure grew when I was arround and wanted to play with it. Now where I am not at home anymore, it is quite hard to maintain, installing all the security updates on the server, looking after the harddisks, fixing stuff… As well many things are not needed anymore. I want something easy to install, easy to use, easy to maintain.

To give a short overview over the situation:

First of all there are two networks. A private one and one for the business. Both have a different ADSL internet provider and connection. In the business network there are two computers. In the private network there are 5 computers, and two more when my sisters are arround. From the 5 stationary ones is one the „server“ including routing, file storage and print-server. The functionality will stay, but it shall be extended to have a backup-possibillity as well.

Here my plan in words:


  • The DSL-Router acts as DHCP-Server, Firewall, Router.
  • The two computer are simple workstations in a network.
  • The printer is shared as a network printer via one PC
  • Data exchange and Backup via flashed Linksys NSLU2 and one, maybe 2 HDDs (Backup, mirroring)


  • The DSL-Router acts as DHCP-Server, Firewall, Router, W-LAN Accesspoint
  • The 4 computers are simple workstations in a network
  • The printer is shared via a printserver i.e. the D-Link 301U
  • File Storage via a flashed NSLU2 and 2 HDDs (i.e. Western Digital Elements 500GB)

Now where we have some computer problems at home and I had to shutdown the server and to route via the dsl-modem this thoughts are comeing back in my mind. I don’t want to spend hours and hours on the phone trying to give support. I want a simple, easy to use, secure solution. I think I will write a detailed plan soon to propose…