und standartmaessig mal eine AJAX Theme fuer die Gallery reingenommen… Wer Probleme mit gucken hat bitte melden..
Schlagwort: Computer
WordPress 2.2 Remote SQL Injection
Just fixed the security whole used by this exploit with this new revision of xmlrpc.php
Dealing with Images
I worked a bit with image files the last time. First I gotta say, that K3B really rocks. Burning ISO-Files no problem ever! Then I found fuseiso at the web. Together with kfuseiso it is something I don’t want to miss anymore on my system. Mounting ISO-Files via clickiclicki is nice :-)
Today I got a *.daa file and I was not able to burn or to mount it. Thanks to poweriso (in portage available as well, needs to be unmasked from ~x86) it is really simple to convert daa files to iso i.e.:
poweriso convert file.daa -o file.iso -ot iso
To be continued…
CD Image Conversion is a good place. IAT seems to bee good. MagicISO works as well using CrossOverOffice and conversion to bin/cue and later via vcdgear -bin2mpg does a good job.
I have a 5.1 USB Headset what works pretty cool. Everything nice, out of the box, speaker, microphone, really good! If I specify now ANY udev rule, i.e. for my cellphone at /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules
BUS==“usb“, SYSFS{idVendor}=“0fce“, SYSFS{idProduct}=“d016″, NAME=“handy“, MODE=“0777″
It is not recognized anymore!! Is that strange or is that strange! It doesn’t matter what rule I specify, any! Hmm…