
Danke Bruder aufs Hinweisen auf das Live-Radio auf bundesliga.de :-)


Bremen hat 3:0 gewonnen, aber der Joke kam erst am Schluss: Was sagt mir mplayer mit dem ich den Stream gehoert habe?

AO: [oss] 44100Hz 1ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
Video: kein Video

Alles fertig. Vielen dank, dass Du eine prorietaere und patentierte Technologie beinhaltende Mediendatei heruntergeladen hast.
A:7416.9 ( 2:03:36.9) of 0.0 (unknown) 0.9% 0%

Beenden… (Dateiende erreicht)

Webserver back online

My webserver was off the last days… I set up VHCS. If you host variois TLDs on one server, and if you want to give access to the config to different people it is just incredible what you can do with it. You can just regulate everything… subdomains, mailaccounts, mysql databases, ftp accounts, quotas, traffic… Give it a try, you will love it!

Only thing I didn’t manage yet is to set up custom procmail rules for virtual users. Dont’t know if it is even possible, but I hope so and if I find the solution I’ll inform you here at this place :-)

If you experience any problem with my webserver please let me know!

My Webserver…

is getting into trouble the last days… First it is starting to kernel panic without any obvious reason. The log files don’t tell anything… It is pretty annoying because I didn’t change anything… Hopefully there is no hardware error…

Second did anyhow my IP got blocked. No reason either, no notification no nothing… I changed the IP, but it may take some time until the DNS is updated to the new one… I’d really like to know, why the IP got disconnected!